I had to visit my birthplace last month, the lovely city of Bombay (or Mumbai as the recent name change) in India after 6 years and found it so utterly charming. I visited my school, college and local haunts while digging into the local food any chance I got. I swear food in India tastes better than anywhere else.
India makes the most beautiful fabrics and I ended up buying quite a bit which I am going to translate into Kimono-esque Jackets and sweet summery dresses for the shop. I get a bit giddy when I see fabric as my mind is racing to create designs while also taking in the prints all at the same time - I feel like Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man with these holographic images in front of me, matching the swatches and creating my designs right there in the fabric shop ! crazy eh !
So here are just some of the pretty fabrics I picked up in cottons and voiles. Keep an eye out for the new designs as they will be in the shop shortly.
I picked fabrics with a border which will end up as lapels or cuffs and went for pretty bright colors that would just be so right for the coming Summer. My favorite was the parrot green & hot pink one. Which fabric do you like?